High Reliability Organizing (HRO)

HRO is the third of the three waves of reliability. Reliability 4 Life only builds HRO on the foundations of the first and second waves. The first wave is a foundation of technical knowledge/skills and tools to do the tasks. The second wave is standard work and processes to enable teams to cope with complicated work. Then the third wave – High Reliability Organizing. HRO enables teams to think and think together as a cohesive team to cope with complex work. Complex systems have messy details that are not always known or even knowable.

Reliability 4 Life draws from all of the evidence-based theories of high reliability organizing. Most rely solely on the Weick and Sutcliffe five principles. To start, continue or refine your HRO journey with us. We consult, train, and speak on HRO to reduce loss events by 80% in five years, loss events in safety, quality, customer experience, workforce experience, and efficiency. Performance does not improve with time – performance improves with reliability for life!