“Everything does get better with high reliability. But high reliability does not get better with time – high reliability gets better with sustained improvement. Do that improvement with us because we care as much about you and your work as you care about your work.”

Craig Clapper, PE, CRE

Founder and Chief Knowledge Officer

30+ years improving reliability in power, transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare.

Healthcare Executive Advisor. Safety Culture and High Reliability Solutions Engineer.

An originator of the 1st Healthcare Safety Management System (SMS)


Zero Harm: How to Achieve Patient and Workforce Safety In Healthcare, McGraw-Hill, 2019. (Craig Clapper)

Craig Clapper et. Al. Maximize Patient Safety with Advanced Root Cause Analysis, HCPro, 2003.

Chapter 5 Clapper, C, Strong, T. - Safety Science and High Reliability Organizing, The Healthcare Quality Book 5th edition, Dr David Nash editor, Health Administration Press, 2023.

Chapter 10 Clapper, C. - Safety Science and High Reliability Organizing, The Healthcare Quality Book 4th edition, Dr David Nash editor, Health Administration Press, 2019.

Founder and former Chief Knowledge Officer: Healthcare Performance Improvement (HPI)

Co-Innovator: World-class Safety Management System for Healthcare, LIFE Cycle ™, and STRONG Framework ™ for implementing and sustaining transformation change

National and International Keynote Speaker